Monday, May 09, 2005

Grey's Anatomy 1x07 The Self Destruct Button

Ok, anyone who says you can sleep when you die, tell them to come to me after a few months as an intern. Of course it's not just the job that keeps us up all night. I mean if life’s so hard already then why do we bring more trouble down on ourselves, what's with the need to hit the self destruct button.

Maybe we like the pain, maybe we're wired that way, because without it I don't know maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying, why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop.
All i can say is AMEN sister!!!


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Good Advice

Today i read my horoscope, it has some good advice

"Follow through with your ideas if you want to start making money. You are creative and have potential, so stop second-guessing yourself."

I guess i better get my butt in gear and start doing stuff with my life.

Avril Lavigne

My tickets arrived yesterday. The Avril Lavigne concert is a go. I'm not on the floor, but i'm in good enough seats to still have an awesome time. July 30 is the big day!!!

Monday, May 02, 2005


Today i was asked to do the unthinkable, automate excel on the server to serve xls files to users. I cringe at this thought. Not only is automating excel dangerous on the server, it's also time consuming to built compless tables of data. The strings required in memory are expensive on server performance, not to mention if you get caught in an infinite loop (by forgetting to call MoveNext()).

I have done it though. I have managed to automate excel on the server by first creating a file using tabs, then before i serve it out, setting the following guys:

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=custom_export.xls"

This isn't so difficult. ContentType tells IE the file your downloading is an excel sheet, if you have excel installed, IE will take car of everything. The "Content-Disposition" tells IE the file name you want to use, otherwise they could save the document as anything, including a aspx page. The hardest thing to do is find these two gems and remember to set them. Once that's done, you can party on!

Now i am proud, i have pseudo automatted excel on the server, i'd rather do this with VSTO, but hey, i will settle for this now and convert to VSTO later.